Professional translations, seminars & coaching
Frequently asked questions
For over 25 yearsHere are some of the most frequently asked questions with a brief explanation of each.
Frequently asked questions
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions with a brief explanation of each. Do you have any further questions? I will be happy to advise you on your project. Contact now or have a look at the Glossary over.
Frequently asked questions
How quickly is the translation finished?
It depends on the scale. Most translations are ready for collection or dispatch within 1 to 2 days.
Why is the bill to be paid in advance?
Clients are often busy people. A translation invoice can easily be misplaced or forgotten. Unfortunately, I don’t have time for sending out reminders. Therefore, payment in advance and your translation will be sent to you promptly.
Are you a sworn translator, i.e. can I get a certified translation of my personal documents from you – i.e. an officially recognised translation?
I am a sworn translator at the Regional Court of Stuttgart for the languages English, Spanish and German. I am authorised to certify translations with my certification mark and stamp.
Will you send me the translation – or should I pick it up in Filderstadt?
Just as you wish. Let me know your postal address and pay the quoted amount and the translation will soon be on its way to you. Alternatively, you can pick up your translation in Filderstadt-Bernhausen and pay cash in the process.
How much do you charge for a translation?
Let’s be frank: Would you call up a car dealer and ask him, without giving any further details, “How much does a car cost in your shop?”
The cost of a translation depends on various factors:
- Length (how many pages, words, keystrokes?)
- Level of difficulty (financial or legal?) Is it a business letter? Simply formulated instructions for use?
- Urgency: Short-notice translations in a few hours are possible; however, other, scheduled jobs will be left undone… i.e. an extra charge is required.
- Layout: Retaining the layout of the original document – or simple translation?
- Length of the translation in the target language; example: a translation from German into Spanish has a min. 10% longer text volume than the source language.
For the above reasons, it is therefore always essential to have a scan available in advance (ideally by e-mail), which serves as the basis for designing an offer. As you can see, to answer your question, I need more information. After receipt, you will receive a free quotation.
What is an apostille and where can I get one?
The purpose of an apostille (also known as a “Hague Apostille”) is to confirm the authenticity of a signature on a document, deed or translation and, depending on the circumstances, the authenticity of a stamp or seal that may be on a document. In Baden-Württemberg, Hague Apostilles are issued by the Regional Court of Stuttgart, Urbanstr. 20 in 70182 Stuttgart. Cost: €25,00 with invoice cash on delivery. The issuing of the apostille usually takes 3-7 working days. More details and opening hours:,Lde/Startseite/Service/Apostillen
If you have any further questions, please simply call Tel.: 0170 862 1941 an. I will be happy to answer your questions!
My services
Learn the most important English vocabulary and phrases in order to convince confidently and competently in all business situations. Request a quote now!
Learn the most important English vocabulary and phrases in order to convince confidently and competently in all business situations. Request a quote now!
Graf Training & Translations
Doris Graf
Talstraße 17
70794 Filderstadt
Tel.: +49711/7874280
Mobile: +49170/8621941
Technical translations
Application documents
Technical translations